Subscription Information provides a valuable service not offered anywhere else. There is no cost to register and access’s basic pre-quote estimate information. However, Business Subscribers have access to premium content not available to Basic Subscribers.

Business Subscriptions start at $75 per month and allow you and your company to access:

Basic Subscriptions are free. As a basic subscriber, you will have access to:

Business Subscription Terms

Business Subscribers are charged a monthly subscription fee of $75 for each interval of 10 authorized sub-users. As you add or remove intervals of sub-users your fees will change per the terms of the Business Subscription agreement. For example:

User intervals
Monthly Subscription Fee
1-10 authorized sub-users
11-20 authorized sub-users
21-30 authorized sub-users
31-40 authorized sub-users
41-50 authorized sub-users
51-60 authorized sub-users
61-70 authorized sub-users
71-80 authorized sub-users
81-90 authorized sub-users
91-100 authorized sub-users
$75 will be added to the monthly fee for every interval of 10 users you authorize under your account. reserves the right to modify its fees and charges and to introduce new charges at any time, upon at least 30 days prior notice to Business Subscribers via e-mail or on the website itself.


Business Subscription fees are paid on an automated recurring billing basis. This means that on the first of each month, will calculate your subscription fee ($75 for each interval of 10 authorized sub-users) and automatically charge that fee to your credit card. Adding the first sub-user of the next interval will trigger an increase in your subscription fee. All fees are pre-paid and are non-refundable once paid. Your paid fee grants access to for all sub-users authorized under your subscription for the entire paid month.

Authorizing users

The Member Administrator may add and delete authorized sub-users at any time. As you add or remove intervals of sub-users your monthly fee will change per the terms of the Business Subscription agreement. All sub-users authorized to access under the same Business Subscription are required to have the same email domain ( Instructions for adding and deleting sub-users are contained within the Manage Users section of


You may cancel your Business Subscription at any time by deactivating your account. When you deactivate your Business Subscription, the automated recurring billing will terminate. You will not incur future fees or charges until you reactivate your Business Subscription. You and the sub-users you have authorized will continue to have full access to throughout the entire paid month.